Presentation of creativity works @Menarini for In-Contatto
Vin - Journey of innovation @Job Trainer at Lavazza Torino. Lecture on Ferran Adrià and signs from the future
Creativity Course for Business School @Luiss
Creativity course @Danieli
Creaticity contest @Rai - second part
Lecture on decision making in complex situations @ISMM
Creativity Workshop @Marcas
Creativity Contest @RAI - Part One
Corporate Values Award Ceremony @Confindustria Veneto East
Speech @Job Orienta. Roundtable: “Enhancing the creative potential of young people in work and business.”
Group work analysis Naming and Design Thinking course @Univr. Case History: @Euleria
Creativity and Innovation Lab for MBA Master @CUOA
Innovation Lab for Master MADE @H-Farm
Lecture @Univerona on Naming and design thinking
Lecture @Univerona on Naming and design thinking.
Creativity workshop for Captains Courageous Project @TSM
Workshop on creativity with Kaizen Institute @Metalwork
ComprendereXCambiare on the topic of training for Confindustria Veneto East